Environmental Services

Seed collection and propagation services

Slumping soils of NW TAS

Linking two native forest reserves to increase habitat

Seed collection and propagation services
Natural State specialises in planning, designing and implementing revegetation programs for native wildlife corridors, riparian revegetation, large scale plantings for carbon sequestration, mine site rehabilitation and shelterbelt plantings. Our projects have covered a range of soil types, rainfall zones and vegetation communities in Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia.
We bring experience in revegetating degraded land in low rainfall areas of Australia during severe drought conditions (average annual rainfall of 300mm). Whether you're looking to plant trees on your small agreage, or looking for landscape scale revegetation, we're your one stop shop.
We offer the following revegetation services:
Native seed collection in bulk for broad-acre or landscape scale revegetation projects. We source local provenance seed where possible. We sell our seed by the kilogram, with the price depending on the difficulty of collection, travel time and the availability of seed. Each species sets seed at different times of the year; availability can depend on seasonal variables.
Seed bank establishment – we can design and plant your seed bank using indigenous species to take pressure off the remnant vegetation seed resource. This can provide a reliable, easy to harvest, source of native seed.
Plant propagation – we can supply seedlings for your project, including collecting cuttings or vegetative material for the appropriate mix of species.
Tree planting (hand and machine) – Hand planting using augers, mattocks, Hamilton, Finnputki and Pottiputki planters. Machine planting for landscape scale projects >5,000 seedlings/day.
Guarding, watering and fertilizing to maximize success rates.
Direct seeding (hand and machine) – hand seeding for rocky or hard to access sites and machine direct seeding for landscape scale projects. Direct seeding is an option for broadacre revegetation where it is cost effective compared to planting tubestock. Natural State operates a direct seeding service where we travel all over Tasmania, Victoria & South Australia.
*Supply and delivery of tree guards, fertilizers, wetting agents, jute matting / mesh and geofabric. *Please note this service is only available for our tree planting customers.
Mechanical site preparation to assist with establishing seedlings – mounding, ripping, rock breaking, scalping and grading.
Strategic ground disturbance to encourage natural regeneration of native vegetation.
Weed control for revegetation site preparation and maintenance – boom / strip spraying and guarded spot spraying around trees.
Revegetation trials - to keep improving our knowledge and experience , we're always trying different methods to establish colonising species.
Monitoring and evaluation of works - to capture and incorporate lessons learned for continual improvement.

Roger River Dairy - Roger River
In collaboration with the farmer, we designed a series of shelterbelts around existing dams and along creeklines. The belts were planted primarily to prevent soil erosion, improve water quality, and to provide shelter for beef and dairy stock, particularly calves.
We used indigenous species totalling 3,200 seedlings. To reduce the labour costs we worked with the clients' staff, it took 4 people x 6 days to complete.
Various Landholders - South Australia & Victoria
When successful, direct seeding offers a cost effective method of broadacre or landscape scale revegetation. Since 2000, we have direct seeded many hectares of degraded farmland and mine sites in South Australia and Victoria.
We can offer a direct seeding service in Tasmania, as long as we have at least 12 months notice. Planning needs to factor in local provenance seed collection, adequate weed control / site preparation, browsing control, availability of seeding machine and appropriate growing conditions (ground temperature and moisture).

Private Landholder - Forth
We were engaged by a landowner to revegetate a degraded area amongst an established Eucalyptus obliqua and E. viminalis forest. We provided several services including: understorey species selection, design, layout, planting and guarding.
The aim of this project was to encourage biodiversity and provide opportunities for fauna habitat and food resources, targeting species such as Pink Robin, Scarlet Robin, Spotted Pardalote and Beautiful Firetail.