Environmental Services

EPBC Act listed threatened grassland community

Forest and waterway management

Protecting threatened vegetation communities

EPBC Act listed threatened grassland community
Natural State has extensive experience in natural area ecological restoration projects in Tasmania, Victoria & South Australia.
We work hard to protect and enhance native bushland on private land, and within protected areas; such as National Parks, State Forest Reserves, Conservation Areas & Indigenous Protected Areas. Through our work, we have enhanced many threatened vegetation communities over the years. We've also delivered projects which protect threatened flora and fauna species, through the implementation of National Recovery Plans.
Effective ecological restoration work requires a multi-disciplinary approach and an understanding of the environmental sciences (biology, botany, chemistry, ecology), conservation & land management, and horticultural principles and techniques, such as Integrated Pest Management. We try to understand, and work with, the natural ecological functions unique to your site.
Apart from delivering professional ecological restoration projects for almost 20 years, we also offer the lived experience of managing native forest for conservation outcomes through our Land for Wildlife covenanted property.
We prefer to take a more holistic and strategic approach to natural area restoration. Experience has taught us that adequate conservation planning is vital. Potential threats to ecological integrity need to be recorded, and abatement strategies need to be defined, before commencing any on ground interventions. We prefer to be involved in the planning process from the beginning so we can save our clients money, time and valuable resources.
Our natural area restoration services include:
Conservation Planning to clearly define your targets, goals and objectives using a range of tools including: risk management, GIS and cost/benefit analysis.
Vegetation Condition Monitoring - Matt is accredited in TASVEG Vegetation Condition Assessment Monitoring and can assess the condition of your native vegetation to determine an initial baseline score before commencing threat management works, as well as offering ongoing vegetation monitoring over time.
Bushcare work - minimal disturbance weed control techniques in high conservation value native vegetation, requiring experienced operators, advanced plant identification skills and high standards of work. We provide herbicide free alternatives also.
Strategic weed management using a range of techniques - cut & paint, spot spraying, handline spraying, slashing, brushcutting and mulching. We provide herbicide free alternatives also.
Revegetation and strategic ground disturbance to encourage natural regeneration of native vegetation. We offer a complete revegetation service including reveg planning, local provenance seed collection, propagation, site preparation, direct seeding, planting, guarding and ongoing maintenance.
Stock or browsing animal exclusion fencing to protect or enhance native vegetation.
Invasive species management – European wasps, cats and rabbits.
We use a range of specialised tools and machinery and we collaborate with other experienced and competent contractors and consultants to get the best results for our clients.
Our aim is to work with landowners to provide guidance, information, skills and knowledge to build capacity for them to feel confident enough to manage their properties for conservation outcomes.
We follow the ecological restoration standards and principals outlined in the following publications :
'National Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration in Australia' by Society for Ecological Restoration Australasia (2016)
'Ecological restoration for protected areas: Principles, Guidelines and Best Practices' by K.A. Keenleyside,, N. Dudley, S. Cairns, C.M. Hall, and S. Stolton (2012).

Private Landowner - Forth
We were engaged to conduct a flora survey, develop a 5 year weed management plan and control invasive species for a landowner wanting to enhance a regenerating native forest. Once clear objectives were outlined, the bushcare work focussed on preventing further weed seed set and reducing the weed density.
Work amongst the more sensitive areas, around waterways and orchids, involved mostly hand weeding, as well as cut and paint and diligent spot spraying. The weed density has reduced significantly after three years.
Cradle Coast NRM - Knole Plain & Netherby Plain
The lowland Poa labillardieri - Silver Tussock Grass grasslands of the Surrey Hills area are listed as an endangered ecological community under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999.
Natural State was contracted by Cradle Coast NRM to locate, map and control introduced weeds, such as Gorse, English Broom and Thistle, to enhance the condition of the Knole Plain and Netherby Plain grasslands. The cross-tenure search covered a total area of 1,500 hectares.

Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service - Stanley
The Nut State Reserve is a major tourism drawcard for the North West Region.
With the help of the PWS Rangers, we planted and guarded over 600 seedlings to increase the area of established forest, on what is a very barren site. PWS Rangers mulched the Poa labillardieri using a rotary hoe prior to planting. This encouraged the Poa to regenerate rapidly, which acted as a very effective weed suppressant.
We were also engaged to control Gorse along the Zig Zag walking track to the summit, under the chairlift lines, and amongst the established revegetation areas.