Environmental Services

Managing wet sclerophyll forest field day

Revegetation workshop for landholders

Snake and reptile workshop for campers

Managing wet sclerophyll forest field day
Natural State offers a range of environmental management consultancy and planning services throughout Tasmania.
Our consultancy service incorporates years of experience and training in both the private and public sectors. We are committed to providing practical solutions and value for money. We understand our client’s needs and deliver projects on time and on budget.
Natural State consultancy and planning services include:
Assisting your organisation to comply with specific environmental regulations required under legislation. For example with local government Planning and Development Applications, and state government Environmental Protection Authority requirements.
Drone aerial photography and video surveillance. A very useful tool for vegetation monitoring and property management planning.
Conservation planning for natural area protection and enhancement. We use a range of tools including:
Cost/benefit analysis,
Geographic Information Systems (GIS),
and Risk management.
Vegetation Condition Monitoring - Matt is accredited in TASVEG Vegetation Condition Assessment Monitoring and can assess the condition of your native vegetation to determine an initial baseline score before commencing management works, as well as offering ongoing vegetation monitoring over time.
Weed management plans. Ideal for guiding on ground action for natural area restoration projects. We can provide
recommendations for your project to help with the logistics and to set realistic expectations of what can be achieved within specified timeframes. Our plans clearly outline the costings for each year, based on experience and current market rates.
Flora and fauna surveys to record the natural values present, and to provide recommendations for management options. We use remote sensing cameras to capture evidence of the presence of nocturnal animals and their behaviour.
GPS mapping and GIS analysis using ArcGIS v10.2 software to capture and display data for specific audiences or stakeholder needs.
Revegetation planning for environmental plantings of indigenous species:
complete planning, design and implementation service, from site to landscape scale revegetation projects.
Shelterbelt planning and design including:
Species selection,
Site preparation,
Timing and costing.
Delivery of workshops, field days and group training events providing practical hands-on experience in Conservation and Land Management and Sustainability education activities.
Project management – accountable, competent, effective, motivated and professional service.
Grant writing - assisting schools and community groups with all aspects of grant writing including:
sourcing grants, sponsorship and funding opportunities
application writing
assistance with grant management and delivery; and
assistance with reporting to funding providers.
Natural State collaborates with a range of specialist consultants and experts when an inter-disciplinary approach to environmental management problem solving is required.

Private landholders - North West Region
Before starting any on ground works, we can conduct flora and fauna surveys and vegetation condition assessments to record these baseline reference points.
Once we better understand the structure and composition of your natural asset, then we can recommend site specific management options to protect or enhance these areas. This is a popular service for landowners who have moved over from the mainland......like us!
Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service - Stanley
In early 2015, we developed a 5 year Weed Management Plan for The Nut State Reserve. Weed management zones were defined and mapped. Control options for the target weeds were recommended, the appropriate timing, registered herbicides and application rates for use in Tasmania were also recommended.
The plan also provides an estimate of the budgets required for effective control in all of the weed management zones. This helps with forward planning and resource allocation.

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment
In late 2013, we assisted Mike Noble from the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) to co-author the African Boxthorn national best practice manual : managing African Boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum) in Australia.
The Manual provides practical advice and case studies to assist with planning and implementing management of this Weed of National Significance (WoNS).